NVIDIA Tegra 6 Stark to be
included in the Xiaomi Mi-4 |
What we expected for some time has turned out to be anonymously confirmed from inside Xiaomi R&D: The
Xiaomi Mi4 (Xiaomi Mi-4A and Xiaomi Mi-4S) will very likely be released with the latest and upcoming
NVIDIA Tegra 6 (code-named
Stark) SoC while the soon to be released Xiami Mi-3A and Xiaomi Mi-3S will be fitted with an NVIDIA Tegra 5 Logan chip.
If you're still unknown with the term, SoC stands for "system on a chip" and is basically a single chip for mobile devices (such as smartphones, tablets and so on) that combines CPU (processor), GPU (graphics processor) and RAM (internal memory) in one. This results in higher performances with lower power consumption.
The Xiaomi Mi-4 will be shipped for the China Telecom market with the next generation Tegra 6 Stark, which will have a 8-core CPU / processor by Denver powering 2.66 GHz. This CPU is 64-bit and that's a world premiere. Furthermore in the Xiaomi Mi-4 Tegra 6 SoC an internal memory of 8 to 16 GB (would that be enough for you?). Both the Xiaomi Mi4 and the Tegra 6 Stark SoC will be released in the second half of 2014. As it now stands around September 2014.